the combination of CUNT and HONEY

"hey that chick is a honey.....but damn she looks like a cunt...omg she is a cunny!"
by cockman February 16, 2006
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sandylee and her rediculous boob job.
everytime i see that cunny walk in, it makes me want to pick up my trifold and leave.....or kick a trashcan.
by janificusbrown September 13, 2008
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Also known as a foopa. On an obese woman its the 2nd hump below the large stomach. Most noticeable with yoga pants or sweat pants. Essentially its the fat rolls above the crotch stuffed into her pants.
To see many examples of cunny sack, just go to Walmart on food stamps day. Look on or in the immediate vicinity of a mart cart. Around the potato chips or soda aisles are other places that draw in these hippos.
by M_Dubz152 June 8, 2023
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An incredibly clever person usually from Scottish origin or heritage. Usually dark haired and extremely good looking. Often plays tricks on those whom are not as cunny, do not have dark hair, or a just plain grenades.
by hummaluvr July 28, 2010
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a slutty lesbian who jumps around from cunt to cunt
m: dude, my ex turned out to be a cunny bunny
c: hot
by scanman7 January 1, 2006
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A vagina which has produced so much lubrication that it has become runny, like a runny nose.
I fingered your mom so much last night I gave her a runny cunny.
by Poonmaster February 20, 2008
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the secretions of the vagina released during orgasm-- more specifically, while a girl is being orally serviced
(having her pussy eaten)
my Bunny got some tasty cunny honey :P~
by P T Kitty April 24, 2005
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