dude,u better shut the f*uck up or i'm gonna chris brown your ass back to the ghetto!
by Maramag August 28, 2009
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He is this generation's Bobby Brown and an example of a R&B career going down the drain faster than Bobby Brown's own career. The shit has really hit the fan for both of them.
Chris Brown has truely found his soul mate: Bobby Brown.
by TheLastFirstborn June 15, 2009
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to put hands on you, will beat you up, will hit you, will choke you,
"I'll chris brown your sh*t"

"Don't make me chris brown you"
by tg123 February 23, 2009
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To go from being the "Prince of Pop" and being adored by millions to beating up your ex-girlfriend and being hated by equally as many to failing in several interviews and making things worse to recording a fake-ass apology on YouTube to complaining about incompetent radio stations and begging for fans' support to crying while performing a BET Michael Jackson tribute sixteen months after the whole process began....
Chris Brown, after going through a Chris Brown, doesn't seem to have an end in sight.....
by Hamzawesome June 29, 2010
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Wow he's so Chris Brown.
by TeamDarkstar August 8, 2009
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(verb); an action in which a man beats the nappiness out of a bitch while performing another task (ie. beating the shit out of Rhianna while driving). The person who implements this action usually tries to justify it by blaming it on witnessing past domestic violence within the family. Chris Browning most commonly occurs in urban areas and trailer parks, but is not limited to these areas.
1) My friend Tyrese Chris Browned his girlfriend Sheneneh while drinking a Colt 45 because she didn't fry the chicken right.

2) John Deere Chris Browned his sister Desiree while driving his tractor because she hoed around with his cousins.
by The Hoovester March 6, 2009
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