A chest castle is when one partner takes a shit apon the others chest and it stands up at a 90 degree angle. Chest castles should always be worn with pride.
by Daniel Edward Andres June 21, 2008
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A chest that is so hairy, you can't tell whether someone is topless or wearing a sweater.
I told Lance to take off his top so we could go swimming, but he said he already did. Damn that sweater chest really fooled me.
by Audrey El July 28, 2005
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n., the chest of a MILF that has been slowly cured in the sun over many decades; resulting in a supple texture and tanned, leathery appearance. This is usually found on women in their 40's-60's, esp. those prone to wearing low-cut necklines.
Wow....your mom has got one PHENOMENAL leather chest!
by MF Baker November 11, 2010
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Term used to describe a womans bra; Also used to describe rather kinky bras: A.K.A "Over The Shoulder Boulder Holders"
"Did you remember to pack your chest baskets for the trip honey?"
by Ryan Cha. June 30, 2008
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Chest Bush refers to the vagina like qualities of chest hair protruding from a man's shirt.
Connor your chest bush is really showing today.
by ForestOfIce January 26, 2014
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Derogatory word for a mentally challenged person. Also insult to dumb ass friends.
See Tom over there, he's such a chest slapper.
by lilmisstoot August 23, 2011
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1)Doing an action for the sole purpose of being a show off
2)Trying to outmatch someone else
Brotatoe 1: Bro! I can bench like 300 pounds.

Brotatoe 2: Dude! I can bench like 300 chicks!
Girl: Are you guys done chest beating? I would like to finish this game of Monopoly.
by BorkTheStork December 14, 2014
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