To browse the internet for porn. And possibly having you right hand on your member.
Guy 1: hay i walked in on nat he was left handed browsing.

Guy 2:That nasty where was his right hand.

Guy 1: on his member
by metroid768 May 4, 2011
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When you dont know what to search up so you decided to look around and you find that there is browse categories vote and store at the top of Urban Dictionary so you go and search it up
by Why_is_it_called PSEYDONYM October 8, 2019
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The new first words you see on Urban Dictionary. The last word is to stem from the fact that UD now has a Discord server.
Man, I'm bored.
(sees Browse Store Blog Discord)
Wait, UD has a Discord server now? Man, I am joining it right away.
by The Real Driller August 19, 2022
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your so bored you decide to search up the things at the top of the website- damn bro.

search up search up if your that bored :)

person: i'm bored
person: ok search up browse categories store blog
person: ok your more bored then me here's the phone-
by Chocolate Fish May 20, 2021
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when you go to pornhub and you need to clear your history
friend: how come you don't have anything in your history
me: oh i was on pornhub
clearing your browsing history is something you do when you went to pornhub
by NameSiren435547 February 8, 2021
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To browse the internet for porn. And possibly having you right hand on your member.
Guy 1: Dude i walked in on him, he was left handed browsing.

Guy 2:That nasty where was his right hand.

Guy 1: on his member
by metroid768 May 4, 2011
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When your boredom has hit its peak and you've already searched "Type any word..."
"hmm what if i put 'Type any word...;' oh cool definition but now what do i search..."
"OH I KNOW! 'Browse Categories Store Blog Cart'"
by idkwhattoputformynamesoididths February 10, 2021
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