1. A type of ass whooping that can only be delivered from some one of west indian decent. Unfortunately no one actually knows what it consists of because is kept very secretive and only taught to a selected few West Indian Children. No one that has suffered a west indian beatdown has lived to expose its contents. Its an ancient martial arts. Abbreviated as "WIBD".

2. Not many people know how to actually perform a West Indian Beatdown. But many people threaten their enemies with one in a desperate act to win an arguement/debate and strike fear in their opponents heart. Commonly an empty threat that can often be contested.
1. Nicole: What happened to steve?
Josh: Sharon gave him a west indian beatdown!

2. Nicole: Do you want a West Indian Beat Down?!?!
Josh: im not scared.. You ain't about that life ! -_-
by jayesquire March 6, 2013
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Someone who is beaten up in Hong Kong.
Or someone from Hong Kong who lives anywhere else and beats the shit out of you.
Fuck man, I dont want to go to school.-person 1
why?-person 2
Big Tony said he was going to give me the Hong Kong beat down today, then rub his cheese all over my face.-person 1
SHIII!!-person 2
by Andey Moon December 12, 2008
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When you barely get away from getting your ass kicked by a homeless person.
Duder 1: "Hey broke ass! What you gonna do? Nice ratty ass wife beater. Go beg for change son!"

Duder 2: "Holy shit dude he's coming right for you. We can't get away dude, I'm pumping gas."

Homeless Dude: "What the fuck did you say man? I'll kick your ass."

Duder 1: "Me? Nothing man. I'd never talk shit to you. I didn't say anything dude."

Duder 2: "Holy shit that homeless guy was ripped. He would have beat the shit out of you. Nice homeless beat down escape though."

Duder 1: "Fuck dude why did you stop for gas? I almost died. And you would have just laughed you dickety!"
by westfalia January 19, 2010
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when you beat someone senselessly.
i got mad at my ho and i gave her a chris brown beat down. now that ho wont disrespect me no more.
by lalashantinequa April 21, 2010
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When a black girl gives a beat down to someone (usually to a person who is not black and is also female) in order to straighten that person behavior out.
Person 1: She always telling people what to do and think she has power over everyone
Person 2: She needs a black girl beat down fr
by caramelblack March 13, 2023
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To absolutely devastate and destroy someone, either by rawdogging them in the asshole or giving them hard physics homework
EDP: BEATING THEM GOONIES DOWN of them kids has given me stds!!
Everyone: oh word nigga?
by realdapboy October 4, 2022
Good ole fashion ass beating. No bs just knuckles & boots.
Guy 1: man last night was crazy, and u look like shit.
Guy 2: Yea I shouldn't have bit that stripper.
Guy 1: told you. got yourself a country boy beat down too.
by Myke Litoris July 17, 2015
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