Someone who is unattractively short.
"Have you seen Todd? He's a Mega-Midget."
by Person Man the 3rd April 28, 2020
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Extremely small midget. Smaller than the average midget
Person 1: You're so small

Person 2: At least I'm not as small as a mega midget
by Kiro Syndrome July 31, 2021
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Person 1: Dude you're really short

Person2: Yeah, well you're a mega midget
by Kiro Syndrome July 30, 2021
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A midget That likes to watch midget porn
Damn Look at it its watching midget porn!
Tonya look at tat short midget its watching porn!
by JimmyJhonny556 February 28, 2022
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A company that employees midgets during the seaons that they are not employed as elves. The midgets help people with disabilities which makes them letgit midgets and helps them make money.
"Yo I paid that midget to help me walk across the street! That midget is too legit!"


"You got a too legit midget?!"

Made famous by the Covino and Rich show
by Too Legit June 6, 2012
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is a greasy fat lonely heroin junkie, who thinks chat is real life, his social life is chat, begging anyone to call him, he tries so hard to fit in and be liked. he thinks everyone in chat is his family.
hi..i'm midget chuck i invented the iphone... midget chuck is a chat bum heroin junkie.. hi..i'm midget chuck will you be my friend?
by JunkieChuck June 29, 2018
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When a midget drops the soap when they are covered In god's soapy goodness and some pedophile mistakes them for a child In prison and uses them as a flesh light because they don't value midget's as real people. And therefore their pee pee sneezes and covers the midget In little fishes and the soap therefore making midget cream as It mixes with their insides.
Jeff: Why how was your phat old sex micky
Micky: why It was tasty as I has some good midget cream
Jeff: Oh why that's kinda fucked Micky
Micky: I am pedophile what do you expect numb nuts
Jeff: this Is why your wife left you
Micky: Do I look fat In these clothes?
by Garry Epstein March 19, 2023
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