Someone who knows nothing except what they have learnt in textbooks. They are closed minded insincere and backwards thinking.
Girl 1: How did your therapy session go yesterday?

Guy: It was a waste of time, just another textbook jockey... She was literally reading me questions straight from her computer.
by my mAin Hack June 23, 2016
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Funkion one, Hennessey, void, elements, you name it! A Rig Jockey knows the perfect stack structure and calibrating for any locations. A Rig Jockey also keeps up on all the latest equipment. If you see a RJ in the sound booth you know you’re getting an audiophile experience.
Kyro is such a rig jockey, he spent 3 hours doing sound check today and he keeps referring to the subs as a she…
by Soundlaw June 28, 2023
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Another discription for an illegal entering the country by way of swimming across a river.
A. Hey mexican friend?
B. Mexican friend: Yes
A. I got a new one....
B. Lets hear it....
A. River jockey....
B. Mexican friend approves.
by Mr. Flannery ESQ. June 2, 2011
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When your wrap your legs around a women's waist from behind her, lick up her neck, and slowly shove your tongue down her ear, whilst riding her like a jockey from left for dead 2
"nah dude, don't talk to that bitch, I heard she let a dude 'jockey' her and record it bro"

"Did you end up smashing that girl last night"

"Yeah bro I was jockeying the fuck out that bitch"
by Skinny White Pimpin May 24, 2020
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1. Famous djs who are djs because they are famous. Have no idea what talent is required in a dj booth because they are too busy being famous.

2. People who use their money, fame or influence to fuck up a party for everyone else because they want to hear what they want to hear.
1. "Paris Hilton claims to be a top 5 dj, and I agree, she is one of the top 5 douche jockeys in the world!"

2. "I wish those douche jockeys in VIP would stop getting my favorite dj kicked off the decks because he's not playing Flo-Rida."
by FunkyVs December 26, 2013
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1., someone whom prefers to hear themselves talk over listening
2., a back stabber that talks shit about fellow employees
3., lacking spine and/or balls to confront situations like an adult

4., prefers utilizing back stabbing skills to avoid work
5., a nosey coworker that rubber necks
Dude, friggen Todd ran into the wall because we was trying so hard to look in my office when he walked by!

-Yah, yesterday he was talking for ours about you behind your back to everyone
That's strange because he only ever wants to tell me about his weekend - doesn't want to hear about mine
-He is such a cackoffice jockey
by revere jr. December 4, 2020
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