In the realm of film--specifically, indie film and short film, it refers to anything that is so obnoxiously unique, preachy, or hipster-ish that a hipster would surely have a heart attack or leave a love stain in his/her pants.
"Oh. My. GOD. Have you seen Scott Pilgrim Versus the World? It's the greatest movie ever! Michael Cera is SO cute!"
"Yeah, I saw it. Looks like a bunch of hipster porn to me."
by MistahBanks86 April 10, 2013
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A sad hipster is one who glorifies the negative aspects of life in attempt to be cool.
They frequently use frownie faces and say negative things and some even go to the extent of talking down and degrading themselves and or others.
Sad hipsters on Twitter like to decorate around their names with frownie faces.

Ex: ☹ alicia ☹
☹ gag ☹
☹ cunt ☹

They also like pizza. Most, but not all.
They put on a big front of being very absurd/open/careless.
Many sad hipsters type exactly like dis N shortened terms w letters n numbers 2 n acronyms wit no punctuation exactly like dis idk why every1s doin dis now tbh

Sad Girls club

At one point or another, every sad hipster has contemplated or actually taken a selfie with a peace sign held up crookedly in front of their face.


life sucks
by rickiebobbie November 21, 2013
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The act of rolling up one's right pant leg. This is usually done by people on bikes to avoid getting their pants caught in their gears. This is fashionable to some hipsters, whether they're near a bike or not.
Guy: "Man my pants keep brushing against this cut I have on my leg"
Friend: "Just hipster roll it for now, no one will care."

Guy: "Did you see that guy? He had a hipster roll and he was walking!"
by uskidsknow April 1, 2011
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The belief that wasted potential is more important than actual success.
Dude, you are suffering from some serious delusional hipsterity.
by laughingsquid March 8, 2011
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Within the Channel Awesome/TGWTG community, a hipster box is an Apple computer of any build, be it a desktop or portable computer. So named for the purported number of hipsters that own said Apples.
Friend A: Did you ever update your Skype?
Friend B: I can't dude, I have a hipster box.
by Dodger of Zion April 13, 2011
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A term used to refer to ray-ban wearing, money shitting, bicycle riding, pretentious gentrifiers who's teenage angst has carried on well into adulthood.
A: Look at all the hipster swine at this bar.
by Y.T. Honks. November 23, 2010
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Metal Hipsterism is analogous in behavior to mainstream Hipsterism, only in this case applied to the numerous metal sub-genres instead of indie music. While Metal Hipsters cast disdain on the traditional Hipsters, their love of classifying metal genres has essentially turned them into what they hate.

Classic symptoms you are a Metal Hipster:

1) You hate any band that has achieved any kind of mainstream success. Your favorite term for these bands is "Mallcore".

2) You use at least three adjectives to classify every metal sub-genre. i.e., Finnish Melodic Death Metal, Vegetarian Progressive Grindcore, or Crust Punk Viking Symphonic Extremoganza. You argue the finer points of Extreme Black Deathcore vs. Black Death Extremecore.

3) You are instantly enraged if a random passerby has a fucking clue what you are talking about, and are then motivated to invent a few more subgenres.
"I despise Lamb of God. Marketing crappy metal to crappy kids with M-16 patriotism. Oh God, I have turned into a lame Metal Hipster!"

"Killswitch Engage isn't even Metal. Their first 2 albums were okay but then they got Howard Jones and I think they moved to Motown Records...Oh God, I have turned into a lame Metal Hipster!"

"The fact that you even think Behemoth sounds anything like, let's say, Underoath or Hatebreed (both can safely be labeled "metalcore"), makes me quite skeptical of your knowledge of metal. If you can manage to put your biases aside for a second (i.e., your personal preference for certain genres of metal, because I know that you have them), please explain to me why it is that you think that bands like Necrophagist and Behemoth are not TDM and blackened death metal, respectively. I honestly would like to know why you don't consider Muhammed Suicmez's playing to be technical and why you don't think Adam Darski's voice qualifies as black metal-sounding. Can you, as objectively as possible, explain why you believe that the one article you posted is correct and that the countless number of professional magazines, music reviews, and metal bands out there that claim that Necrophagist is indeed tech death and Behemoth definitely is a blackened death metal band are wrong and OMG I AM METAL HIPSTER LEVEL OVER 9000!!!!"
by ether.real April 1, 2010
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