1)"The 70s" peace symbol
A combination of the semaphore signals for the letters "N" and "D", standing for Nuclear Disarmament. In semaphore the letter "N" is formed by a person holding two flags in an upside-down "V", and the letter "D" is formed by holding one flag pointed straight up and the other pointed straight down. These two signals imposed over each other form the shape of the peace symbol (coincidentally, considering the organization for which it was created, resembling a stylized, skeletal missile). In the original design the lines widened at the edge of the circle.
2)see V Sign
A combination of the semaphore signals for the letters "N" and "D", standing for Nuclear Disarmament. In semaphore the letter "N" is formed by a person holding two flags in an upside-down "V", and the letter "D" is formed by holding one flag pointed straight up and the other pointed straight down. These two signals imposed over each other form the shape of the peace symbol (coincidentally, considering the organization for which it was created, resembling a stylized, skeletal missile). In the original design the lines widened at the edge of the circle.
2)see V Sign
by general_admission July 27, 2005
by silentiopk4 January 14, 2008
by Le Mao September 21, 2012
The peace symbol, contrary to popular belief the peace symbol is two aviation flag symbol N and D. the peace symbol was first founded by a cult in 1946 that would promote worldly nuclear disbarment. Joining this cult would entail an extremely harsh beating, burning and sometimes partial drowning. Only after under going the ritual, only then could they wear the sacred symbol, more formally known as the Peace Sign. Also by wearing this symbol, would mean that you were dedicated to world wide disarmament of nuclear and biological weapons indefinitely; in other words you would stand in front of a detonation location; until death or detonation of weapon. This cult is now known as Greenpeace.
by walmartsandiego October 6, 2009
Where a person holds there index and middle fingers up spread apart to symbolize peace. A common sign of the 1960's hippie generation and of theneohippie movement. To the world war II generation it meant victory but to hippies and neohippies peace is victory.Known to make police and conservatives angry.
by Deep blue 2012 March 20, 2010
by Gdn.Renee May 10, 2022
by noweirdo21uwubakalalallaala April 17, 2022