In engineering, every task will take exactly 3.141592 times as long as initially anticipated. The Law of pi is therefore commonly used along project managers when they ask engineers how much time they think they need to finish their work.
Arjan: How long will it take you to finish the design of those tubes?
Vincent: about one and a half hour I think
Arjan: OK, so taking the Law of pi into account, that's gonna take you exactly 282 minutes
by E.Musk January 7, 2019
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The banned Book of Pi, chapter 3, verse 14, where the prophet wrote: “I have seen and experienced all beautiful, irrational, imaginary, metamathematical, transcendental, and sacred things about the number π under the sun; all of them are man-made and meaningless, a chasing after the next mathematical shiny object.”
Does Pi 3:14 sound like a mathematical equivalent of Ecclesiastes 1:14, where King Solomon with all his wisdom and wealth concluded that all is vanity?
by Fasters January 13, 2022
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A bunch of bozos who run around in suits thinking it makes them important. The reality is that all of them come from affluent backgrounds and will get in anywhere because their dads are Vice Presidents of Goldman.
Someone tell Chad that Delta sigma Pi won't make his dick any bigger.
by MickeySingh April 12, 2022
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When a man nuts in a woman to keep her from leaving.
Stay away from Todd he’s known for evil pies.
by Nickademus702 December 18, 2022
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When you take such a huge dump it forms an island in the toilet. A Poop Island.
After last night’s chili dinner, I formed a Magnum PI this morning.
by TrashPanda81 February 16, 2022
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Exposing the mysteries, magic, and myths about the number π to an oft-innumerate or semi-mathophobic lay public, who secretly desire to gain an understanding or appreciation of the beauty, ubiquity, and utility of mathematics’ most famous constant.
Prof. Ian recently revised and updated “Naked Pi,” which is presently available for sale only on the dark web, because part of the book’s mature or woke content might not go well with a conservative or puritan audience.
by Fasters May 24, 2022
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when you pump fake to your fastest receiver to get the referee to check for penalties which was made by Jordan Thomas Cooper.
The University of Wyoming liked the PI decoy pump fake.
by Coop Dupe August 20, 2023
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