The amount of stress and/or exhaustion one gets after doing a test or examination of some sort.
Joe: bro do you want to hang out?
Achmad: I still have test lag from my finals, I think need a week to recover
by Deadeye Uger December 14, 2020
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"Its Lag I swear" is a term commonly used by hackers in attempt to trick others into thinking they're lagging.
"I'm not hacking, Its Lag I swear. I have bazillion ping"
by Another guy idk September 28, 2022
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when someone sends you a facebook chat message because your droid shows you online but you dont notice it till hours later
when did i get this facebook chat message?, oh its from 4 hours ago man i hate this droid lag now there off line
by road rager runner April 9, 2011
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When you're just a little behind on your peers' interests and doings...
Man, I can't get over this peer lag. It's making me feel detached.
by HerrshOFate August 11, 2022
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When someone's slang is 5 years behind and if they encounter modern slang they will proceed to misuse it and as often as possible. Usually found in sheltered/homeschooled kids, but not always.
Person 1: "Hey did you see Kevin? He was flossing and get this, he thought he was being cool!"
Person 2: "Rip bozo so slang lagged"
by BanHydrogenDioxide August 25, 2022
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