A term expressing a platonic relationship between adult males. The original use refers to the mythical king Gilgamesh, and his non-sexual friendship with the character Enkidu.
Montgomedy Sweelard is off traveling with Radrigo on some grand, manly adventure. Joe is a true Friend of Gilgamesh, and thus undoubtedly heterosexual.
by Radrigo July 14, 2023
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When a couple breaks up, one person gets to keep the mutual friends while the other must find new ones because being around each other would be too awkward. The person who keeps the friends is said to be granted Friend Custody.
Bob: Why don't you come out with us tonight?

Phil: Because when Jane and I broke up, she got Friend Custody.
by thebetterfriend2 March 20, 2010
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A hug friend (sometimes referred to as a hug buddy) is similar to a fuck buddy. However, unlike a fuck buddy, the hug friend is only for hugging. You can call him or her any time of the day (similar to a booty call) to request a hug when you are lonely, depressed, or just want a damn hug.

Hug friends may hug while scantily clad or even naked, so long as their contact is strictly of a hug-like nature. Any additional touching of a sexual nature is considered a breach in the hug friend code so that the relationship may no longer be classified as a hug friendship.
"Yesterday I had a really shitty day, so I called up my hug friend, Mike, to request a hug. He came over and gave me a big cuddly bear-hug. Afterwards, I felt so much better."

"Room mate 1: So you went over to Amy's pretty late last night.. Did you guys do it?

Room mate 2: No, we're just hug buddies. She couldn't sleep because she needed a hug, so I went over to give her one."
by xrockangelx June 8, 2011
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Someone who rejected you
Someone who is jealous of you
Someone who only comes up when they need something from you

Someone that trys to avoid you
Someone that doesn’t care if you feel bad

Someone that wants you to get the f away from them
Someone who is mean to you or makes fun of you

Someone that uses you to fit in or impress they’re other friend

Someone who is trying to use you to act cool

A friend
A friend is someone who is kind caring cool and outgoing. They are always there when you need them the most. They don’t care what you do they still forgive you
They like you and is always there to help you.
Ramma: sits down chair

Fake friend: moves seats trying to avoid her

Ramma: hey how are you doing
Fake friend:.....
by ♥️Panzo♥️ May 10, 2019
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A friend with whom you hang out with only to better your personal image. An accessory friend is often mean, snotty and disliked by the entire friend group. The only reason the accessory friend is tolerated is because of their above average looks.
Bob: "Nicole, why do you hang out with Barb? I'm pretty sure that my antisocial cat has a better personality than her".

Nicole: "Good question! Barb is just my accessory friend. I only hang out with her because she makes me look good... kind of like these diamond earrings that I'm wearing.

Bob: "Good point. I guess she is kind of hot".
by Urbankid123 August 8, 2013
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A friend who has no sleep schedule yet loves sleep, collects everything they find on the ground and probably has horrific mental health.
*pile of blankets moves*
Don’t mind that its just the gremlin friend. Throw them some pocky and they will not fight you.
by Leduckyboi January 25, 2021
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