The all time worse thing to say to someone
Joe: Ur mom gay
Dan: Ur dad lesbian
Joe: Ur granny tranny

*Dan dies of shock
by DaddyOfThots69 March 11, 2018
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Worse than 'ur mom gay' or 'ur daddy lesbian'
Will END someone's life
Person 1: Ur mom gay
Person 2: no u
Person 1: Ur daddy lesbian
Person 2: Ur granny tranny
Person 1: *dies*
by Greasy Grover March 9, 2018
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A defense text to use on a friend a text like Ur dad lesbian/Ur mom gay.
Jake: Ur mom gay
Josh:no u

Jake:Ur dads lesbian
Josh: Ur granny tranny UwU

Jake: *commits suicide*
by Ur granny tranny March 11, 2018
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A condom, croched or nitted out of yarn.
"I was doing this girl Jenny, and we couldn't find protection, so I made granny make some for me, granny's cum catcher"
by Not_so_kool_aid_man July 18, 2023
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A chronic Dejease typically found in Derek’s. When rolling moms isn’t enough, a granny roller will make the move to then next generation
Guys, if you see Derek at the party don’t mention anything about my relatives, I heard he’s a granny roller.
by DEJ capacitor October 18, 2021
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