A couple which are weebs and probally watch anime together and smash, but that's imposible female weebs doesn't exist
Female weeb + Male Weeb = Weeb couple
by FakeyBoi September 28, 2020
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The embodiment of sleth
by Wallerr22 January 17, 2021
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A weeabo who is both into anime and the Confederacy. They’re mostly located in the Southern United States, where the Confederate States once existed.
Weeb 1: “Hey man, are you gonna ask Jessica out to go to the next Anime convention?
Weeb 2: “I mean, she’s really, really nice, but she’s a dixie weeb. I don’t want to hang out with some racist.”
by Weegee420 September 26, 2021
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You bully your normie friend it happens every February 25
Oh my friend that hate the anima the day vH is bully not a weeb day
by Ben’s beans February 20, 2020
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a term used to describe the weirdest of all weebs. chances are this person has seen and jacked off to a large ( records cap in at about a 1000 ) amount of hentai. The Weird Weeb is also generally annoying and is a lolicon and also like making people irate. Avoid him/her at all costs
Person A: Dude did you read the Doujin I made a few days ago?. it has children in it.
Person B: WTF NO DUDE DONT MAKE CHILD PORN . you truly are the weird weeb.
by BurnTheWeebs June 30, 2020
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Someone who just got introduced to anime and has only watched up to 3 series.
My little sister is a weeb-a-ling. She hasn't watched a lot of anime but she sure does love it!
by Weeb-a-ling September 23, 2020
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A person who loves animal and enjoys anime/manga culture. Also a very carefree and joyful person but most likely is dead inside.
Hello have you meet Weebe.
by November 21, 2021
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