The act of having anal sex without emptying one's bowels beforehand with (most commonly) a man over the age of 75.
Damian : "Me and Winston had a cheeky rusty screw while his grand daughter was in the other room!"
James : "Wow, I can't wait to have my first rusty screw"
by LargerThanAverageDave May 7, 2023
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1. The act of intercourse while a woman is on her period.

2. Fuckin' while she's on her period.

This is an old Sailor's phrase. It comes from the rusty-red color of period blood. And the slang term "screw" commonly used to refer to intercourse. It should also be noted that human blood contains iron, and its red color is due to an oxidation (or rusting) reaction.
Me and my boo had a rusty screw on the kitchen floor. It got real rusty.
by drankinzailor January 6, 2019
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Over with
Not happening
He asked me to front him $600 that shit is chopped and screwed he doesn’t pay anyone back.
by big gheski October 19, 2022
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Verb: It is the act of pushing all the bottons in an elevator just before you get out; Commenly done to make the person waiting for the elevator frusterated
Since Bill was mad at Joe for taking his parking spot he screwed the elevator to delay joe from getting home. (Present tense, "Screwing the elevator")
by da funny word masta September 2, 2009
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People try to treat people impudently and act as if they are not accepting their punishment when other people take what they dish out but accept their punishment when people do not take what they dish out to avoid being not left off the hook. If someone tries to treat you impudently or unjustly and you just take what they dish out then that person gets to treat you impudently.

It's necessary to an extent for some humans to have someone they can treat impudently so they can blow off steam with or for some for other purposes which may be sadistic. For someone to have a certain positive emotion it is not necessarily the case that someone else has to experience an equal emotion in magnitude but negative; however, it most certainly can work that way and some people try to treat other people unjustly, impudently or just straight out wrong but do it in such a way that they can be left off the hook and in some cases get that person's consent.
John waived his right against Kelly when Kelly screwed him over, so by the universal screw over theory, he has to let Kelly off the hook when Kelly treats him impudently.
by Resbyall July 16, 2014
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When the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present & Future DON'T visit your employer and turn him into a kind caring and generous human being.
When yet another year goes by without bonuses, raises, incentives, a Chrismas party for the employees, or even a modicum of recognition, appreciation, or achievement for a job well done, while the boss drives home in his brand new BMW or custom Silverado to his brand new house that your work has paid for - you have been SCREW-GED!
by screw-ged again December 26, 2011
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On the day 29 October.Anyone whose name begins with the following will be slapped 5 times:
1.“Hey it’s national Screw you day!
2.”oh yeah I forgot here slap my back.”
by PrivvSquahy! October 28, 2019
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