Acronym for World of Warcraft, a popular MMORPG that many would say is for people, "With no lives", when actually, those people are wasting their time writing about how much it sucks on video game websites, or some stupid website consisting of definitions of things such as the "Lawlocaust", or a "butt dial". (luckily no such website is yet known to man.) So it is quite ironic that they can pass judgment on a video game where you DO interact with some people, when they participate in websites where you interact with none.
"WoW pwns ur m0m so h4rd, she c0uldn't w4lk f0r 8 d4ys!"
by Witty asshole name # 4 August 29, 2007
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A Replacement of friends, often with geeks online who jerk off 6 times a day, but they sound cool on the internet. People who you will never meet in person, but still take advice not knowing them beyond their voice over a $6 microphone. A drug for nerds who cant live in the real world, who fantasize about losing their virginity to a night elf. But we all know that wont happen, lose their virginity that is. A game that never ends, I wonder why its so addicting... I mean, you get so much out of it, all that accomplishment, like ZOMG I'm lvl 60!... Oh wait, where did my real friends go? Oh yea they're in Orgrimmar!
Matt enters the bar for the first time, Walks up to a girl.

"Umm, Hey..."
"I wish you were cos^2 and i was sin^2 so we could be 1"
"Oh don't worry about that, Anyways... In the Wow, Im a 3rd degree epic'd level 60, so umm, when do you wanna get out of here?"
"For Elune."
by Thor1235424 January 17, 2007
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Acronym for the game World of Warcraft, also known as the best male sex drive reducer on the planet. Not only does this game completely take over the users body in the sense that they never do anything else, it also lowers their sex drive to the point where they don't ever want to have sex! It has worked wonders on many couples who weren't experiencing the same sex drive. Woman all over the world love it.
"Sorry babe I don't want to get it on tonight, I have a three day WoW Marathon."

"Finally, I'll get sleep tonight!"
by AR a n d e h April 23, 2008
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WOW! is what a guy thinks when the first spurt of cum hits the back of his throat while sucking the dick of a hot young dude.
I was sucking his dick and all of a sudden -- WOW!
by USAF Cadet October 10, 2020
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Acronym for World of Warcraft a game by Blizzard Entertainment, game that a lot of people say is addicting, which is not true, WoW is addicting only if you make it addicting, if you're slow minded and don't know when to stop, I have played wow and I'm not addicted I play it like any other game, instead of watching Big Brother on TV I play wow, what's wrong with that? ppl that say it's the most addicting game in the world are very closed minded and stupid, WoW is just as addicting as any other game, also WoW has the biggest subscriber base in the world 12mil and growing.
Dude1: Hey how long have you been playing wow?
Dude2: Like 2 years. Why?
Dude1: I was just wondering cause a lot off ppl say it ruins your life. Is that true?
Dude2: No I play it like any other game. It's just a video-game.
by Daggereye July 1, 2009
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More addictive than Heroin and it will eventually causee you to lose intrest in everything you once cared about. WoW is Blizzards way of proving to the world that there are things that are more dangerous than drugs.
My freind started playing WoW last year. He stopped hanging with us and will play WoW over having sex with his girlfreind. This is the reason I have decided to just never even try it. WoW will fuck you up man.
by Being sober is for the weak. February 24, 2007
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World of Warcraft. A game in which people with little to no life interact. Like the real world ...only not.
Hot Chick: Hey sexy! you wanna have some nice fun fucky-time?

Lvl 34 Paladin: No thats sick! Plus I have to play WoW to get to lvl 40 else I can't get my sweet Pwn Uber Mount! =D
by Zym1982 October 28, 2006
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