Unofficial term for the compressor in an air-conditioning system or refrigerator/freezer. Resembles a turtle, usually black and has 4 mounts that resemble legs.
Its hot as hell in here...the repair guy said the turtle overheated and seized up again...
by DieselFag April 17, 2010
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That feeling when you have to shit and you can feel it in your ass
Me: dude I'm gunna shit myself
Friend: is it turtle turtle
Me: yeah :'(
by Warmcucumber October 3, 2014
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This term came about through a very popular cartoon of a helmet topping off a pair of boots to signify the veteran with just a short time left in his enlistment and keeping a REALLY low profile, turtle-like, trying to make it out alive. Among VietNam and older veterans a challenge term by which infantrymen recognized each other.

When a veteran infantryman would meet another veteran, the question would be asked: "Are you a turtle?". To which the challenged veteran would have to either reply "You bet your sweet ass I am!" or have to buy the challenging veteran a drink.
Army veteran: "Are you a turtle?"

Marine veteran: "You bet your sweet ass I am".
by 19D4L August 23, 2012
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When someone tries to act tough but is a floppy nothing!
I hate you
Well your a turtle you try to act tough but your just a floppy nothing
by shela specia; April 17, 2017
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Slang term used in the bay area for marijuana. Coined turtle because it's green and makes you move slow.
We just smoked some turtle and are high.
by Sean May 27, 2004
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To become extremely shy in a situation.
He called me cute, so I began blushing and I hid in my blankets like a turtle.
by Bigglesworth Boohigglesbee August 7, 2008
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She’s a bit of a turtle. Get her on her back and she’s fucked.
by JimmyRK November 27, 2020
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