The greatest college ever!
Best parties, hottest girls, school spirit. What else could you ask for?
We are... Penn State
by Go Lions! September 28, 2004
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To take advantage of, sexually, and to have it go unreported afterwards
I totally penn stated that girl last week.
by bsbro.3569 November 23, 2011
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Best thing in Reservoir Dogs after Michael Madsen, or perhaps even better. Certainly cooler than his very serious brother.
See Chris Penn in True Romance, short but sweet.
by sevenhn January 26, 2006
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A small town in South Jersey. Not to be mistaken for Pennsville, if so you will get shanked. Full of gangsta's and wangsta's also known as "grover's". Home of the red devils.
Penns Grove is way better than Pennsville so get it right.
by soxadorkable13 August 21, 2008
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The boy was in a Penn State for the rest of his life, after being sanduskied.
by DaytonaDude November 29, 2011
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A college in Pennsylvania where Jerry Sandusky, a former Defense Coach for Penn State Football and long time kid fucker with multiple victims, was allowed to wonder aimlessly around campus and without punishment, shame by his working peers or report to the police of any kind regarding his pedophilia fiendish ways, even after being sited first hand in a shower naked behind a ten year old boy.
Penn State, openly supporting child fucking since 1997.
by pedophilia, kid fucking, shota November 9, 2011
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The transformation of the retinas of the eyeballs in students of the University of Pennylvania. This phenomenon inhibits the ability of the retina to correctly reflect light patterns, which results in a greatly miscontstrued judge of beauty. A slow acting affliction, taking course over much time, growing stronger constantly. Close relative of beer goggles.
Yo man, when I first met her I didn't think she was pretty at all, but now that penn goggles are in full effect, I want to fuck the shit out of her!
by Jim September 29, 2003
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