29 definitions by sevenhn

Someone on the up and up, expected to succeed.
He was flying up through the ranks, a comer, making rapid progress in the crime hierarchy.
by sevenhn March 8, 2006
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De-militarized zone. Area where no military activity should take place, thus also refers to peaceful urban areas away from drug-infested gang territories.
Oh, how I would like to live in a DMZ and not have bullets winging past my head all day and night!
by sevenhn December 2, 2005
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Italian, from Italiano reduced to tali ho.
I'm going to nightschool to learn tally ho.
by sevenhn April 3, 2006
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To decide by throwing a coin or other means who is going to start in a game
"Bigger turned on the light. They lagged for first shot. Bigger won"
by sevenhn March 20, 2006
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Someone always making feeble wisecracks, who laughs at his/her own jokes and is generally deserving of severe and painful punishment.
That guy is up there thinking we are all listening to his puerile crap, such a wisenheimer.
by sevenhn February 17, 2006
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Age old colloquial way of saying relax, take it easy. Five means five minutes presumably.

Too much pressure writing definitions, gotta take five!
by sevenhn January 26, 2006
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That guy's likely to start up a brannigan with the mouth on him.
by sevenhn December 20, 2005
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