to be high/stoned.

used after smoking
"Reyes is chilled!" as he walks into the cafeteria high off his ass.
by nnt August 22, 2007
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(v) the act of smoking weed and or under the influence of weed.
Yo Ryan you chill right now, your eyes look fucked up.
by Bob Connersfield March 10, 2009
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(transitive verb)- to fuck, attempting to proceed beforehand to engage in sexual activity, smash. Cover up for having someone over you're interested in and rather not say "hang out" because hanging out is so overrated.
Person 1: Hey, you tryna chill later on?

Person 2: Yeah, I'm down to chill, how long you think we're able to chill?"
Person 1: Determines how long we take. ;)
by CroissantMitch December 8, 2014
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The art of being alone in a cozy room in the perfect conditions, with a perfect wifi connection. Mastering the art of chill takes great courage and dedication.
Guy 1: lets go chilllllllll
Guy 2: k
by Chillingo January 19, 2020
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Filipe Moraes. even KGB agrees. anything with a calm, mellow property, but mostly Filipe.
by Descabeludo January 13, 2010
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a-chill is a word for "cheers and have a nice day".
bla, bla, bla.... must go. a-chill
by newfriend August 9, 2007
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a slang way to describe the action of relaxing
Man, I'm so angry
Chill Dawg, Chill.....
by Doumbz August 26, 2005
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