Someone who is the opposite of gay or identify's as straight
"Yo dude Kevin asked that hot girl out last night!"
"What a total Not Kirk guy"
by Straightguywithagoodtime December 17, 2018
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To have several relationships with hot women in short periods of time with no attatchment whatsoever.

Derived from Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek TOS.
Dude, he was so kirking while he was in Austrailia, it was insane.
by Vey August 6, 2008
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Someone who can screw up something particularly on a farm that's completely incomprehensible. Sometimes also used as an adjective for massive screw ups in the Michigan area
Boy you really KIRKED that up ol son!!
by Kfarm90 August 29, 2020
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To be touched inappropriately while one is passed out from drugs and/or alcohol.
Apparently last night when I was blacked-out drunk, some girl kirked me.
by MirandaRools February 11, 2009
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A prick that overreacts to everything and crys to much and doesn't like to come out in Newcastle after collage
Kirk is a hypochondriac
by Bilbobagginsdmncjdvn January 12, 2015
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To be slapped as hard as effin possible in order to be shut up, most oftenly "kirked" are blonde bitches or boys with girl names.
Blonde bitch- " baby what are you getting me for my b day?"

Guy- " it's stupid questions like that that get you kirked"
Boy with girl name- "nigga damn!!"
by facialxD February 21, 2010
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