An adjective used to disqualify normy's or popular kids. A social media called Youtube was made specifically for talent but... You know what happened. If you have talent than you most likely are accelerated in arts(dance, photography, drawing/painting) or are musically advanced(disqualifying pop/hip hop/ country musicians) If you follow trends then you are most likely un-talented.
Merry christmas, Taylor!
P.S. You ARE talented
P.P.S Keep shredding
P.P.P.S. This is the last P.S.
"Hey, he's talented!"
(Spinning a fidget spinner)"Huh?"
"I forget"
by Talent=Chance of success December 20, 2017
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Person #1: Jin is so talented!
Person #2: That’s why he’s the definition of talent.
by L0calARMY October 25, 2019
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A word meaning someone is extremely well off in an area of expertise. Benny Heart. Or that someone is extremely good at one thing.
Benny Heart actually has Talent, unlike Lil Wayne.
by EmSTAXX March 23, 2011
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Something that BTS and EXO have, and many western celebrities lack this.
Person 1: Have you heard of BTS or EXO?
Person 2: No.
Person 1: Stan talent, stan BTS and EXO!
by jay :)) March 23, 2019
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