Cockney rhyming slang:
"He got the tin tack for 'aving his fingers in the till"
by Gowjer May 29, 2017
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A sexual manoeuvre where the male is laying on his back, the girl on top and switches from Cowgirl to reverse and back multiple times using his pubic hair as a gripping solution to aid in spinning. Often causing great pleasure to both parties and confusion to the male.
Male 1:"Man, I was with this girl last night, and she was riding me, then it was like she wanted to change positions but wasn't sure which one"
Male 2: "So like spinning around?"
Male 1: "Yeah"
Male 2:"Bro she was Manipulating the Tack on you fool"
by EnigmaShadow August 6, 2015
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a very very tiny penis
yo i heard around thaa jeremy's penis is so small that it is a tick tack
by E A P October 25, 2006
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60s-70's ebonics (Los Angeles) - used by male teens to mean neighborhood girl teen.
I can't get these tack heads to stop calling my house.
by Mr Melting Pot May 26, 2006
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Attacking anything via a Tweet!

Attacking a person, place, or thing using a Tweet post on Twitter.
trump is tweet-tacking the media again!
by LKingmanL September 13, 2018
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a term, a movement per se, for the extremely underground niche audience.

it’s a brand, a band, a lifestyle.
Normie: Why do you have “tack daddy” written on your beanie
Daddy: iykyk
by marriedatmountvernon January 4, 2023
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