Did you see the shit Steve was doing last night?

Yeah he's such a spoon.
by Davros01 December 8, 2008
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To spoon. Used to eat foods or to stir.
Bob: Hey, can I spoon your nuts inside your nutsack?
Joe: No, use a fork.
Bob: I'll just use my fingers.
Joe: Spooning the nuts is better.
by YouOnKazoo22 July 1, 2018
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1. To have sex in a position where both the female and male are facing up with the females back to the males chest.

2. Eating utensil that is like a shallow bowl with a handle.

3. To lick someone's anus

4. A stupid person

5. A type of bong used for smoking weed

6. A stupid codeword for pornography

7. A 'nicer' word for fuck

8. Battle cry of a cartoon character named 'The Tick'
1. Me and my girlfriend spooned last night

2. I did not have any clean spoons in the dishwasher so I drank my cereal from the edge of the bowl.

3. That kid's a fag. He can spoon me for all I care.

4. What the hell do you mean you gave him your IP address?! You fucking spoon!

5. Hey, we don't need this cheap plastic pipe no more, I got a glass spoon.

6. I got some spoon in my backpack featuring two hot ladies.

7. You had sex with my girlfriend? Spoon you, man!
-Ooh I wanna spooner her hard.
-What the spoon is her problem?

by Spooferfish December 29, 2004
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Possibly the best band to come out of Texas. It consists of Britt Daniel (vocals, piano, etc.), Jim Eno (drums), and various temporary members. Elektra records had them for a while, but Merge records signed them after being dropped.
Music Lover: Hey - you should pick up "Kill the Moonlight" by Spoon.

Indie Snob: Don't even talk about a band as mainstream as Spoon in my presence.

Music Lover: So what they're in Time magazine! They're still good!

Indie Snob: (groans) ok... fine... (immediately gets addicted)
by aleclair July 3, 2005
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A form of affection between a couple. Where the man lays front to back with the girl. They fit together like spoons.A favored sexual positions among young coupls
James and Michelle were spooning all night
by Allister Q January 14, 2006
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spoons is a game often played by honkeys where you collect real, metal spoons and drive around trying to hit black people. when you throw it you yell "nigger", and if you dont hit them you have to go get the spoon.
A:Lets go play spoons.
B:Dude, no we'll get killed.
A:I ain't afraid of any niggers.
by gummpy November 9, 2007
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An act of cuddling, or snuggling where a male and female get together and lay back to chest with bent knees and legs to where they fit together like spoons.
John: "yo man I was spooning with this girl last night, she made me hard as a rock but she didn't feel the D"
by TurtleCorn March 3, 2015
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