22 definitions by aleclair

Jethro Tull invented the seed drill; he was part of the group that created scientific farming as we know it. Also an overrated prog rock band with an electric flute player.
When the history teacher told us Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, we laughed like crazy.
by aleclair July 24, 2005
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A newfangled genre of pop music that combines two unrelated elements: the lyrical content of emo (sob, sob, sob, SOB) and the loud guitars of today's metal.

The singers in Emo Metal bands tend to - for some reason only few can decipher - scream as much of the lyrics as humanly possible.

See also: screamo
When I tuned into Fuse last night, they played a series of pop-punk and emo metal music videos.
by aleclair November 13, 2005
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1. A trendy style of music marketed as rap music; it actually sounds more like R and B. Although the rappers look "gangsta" and have all that bling bling, they usually sing (yes. They sing instead of rap) about going to parties and getting crunk and having every girl at their call. Most - if not all - singles have a female guest. Examples: Nelly, Ludacris, Anyone who sings with Ciara.

2. Music that "waters down" the content of rap music to fit a young, pre-teen, easily lured, pop audience: see Lil' Bow Wow, Lil' Romeo.
1. -Did you go to the Ludacris concert last night? Everyone was there, you know...

--No; I don't like pop rap.
by aleclair November 29, 2005
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1. A poet, often a singing poet who might improvise his work, who was around during ancient and mediaeval times. They would often travel between town and town to recite folk ballads and songs. A famous example of a bard is the blind Greek known as Homer.

2. Nickname for Shakespeare
1. The bard came to the village to tell tales of times of old and distant lands.

2. Although many people think either (a) "Shakespeare uses too much old english" or (b) "Shakespeare's too intellectual," the Bard's works have remained timeless for over 400 years
by aleclair June 21, 2005
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The hard part about learning a new language. Conjugating the verb is changing the end of the verb so it fits the tense (past or present?), number (singular or plural?), person (1st, 2nd, 3rd?), and many other fancy grammatical aspects (perfect, imperfect?) of the rest of the sentence.
In German class, Brandon had to conjugate the verb machen:

Ich mache der kase.
Du machst der kase.
Er macht der kase.
Wir machen der kase.
Ihr macht der kase.
Sie machen der kase.

He was exhausted by the end of class.
by aleclair November 11, 2005
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An overrated, possibly nonexistent, feeling. Associated with losing all logic and sanity.
Julius must love that girl, because he's acting all rude and offensive on me, as if I'm going to take her away.
by aleclair March 5, 2006
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A Canadian indie rock band with Arcade Fire connections whose first record was produced by none other than Issac Brock of Modest Mouse fame. As if all of those connections to famous people were not enough, their debut album, "Apologies to the Queen Mary", became overhyped by the online Media Machine as the Next Big Thing(r).

Leaving the indie snobbery behind, they are a damn good band who wrote some extremely good songs that are currently stuck in my head
Wolf Parade is another part of the great '80s revival going on in contemporary indie rock.
by aleclair May 18, 2006
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