22 definitions by aleclair
Possibly the best band to come out of Texas. It consists of Britt Daniel (vocals, piano, etc.), Jim Eno (drums), and various temporary members. Elektra records had them for a while, but Merge records signed them after being dropped.
Music Lover: Hey - you should pick up "Kill the Moonlight" by Spoon.
Indie Snob: Don't even talk about a band as mainstream as Spoon in my presence.
Music Lover: So what they're in Time magazine! They're still good!
Indie Snob: (groans) ok... fine... (immediately gets addicted)
Indie Snob: Don't even talk about a band as mainstream as Spoon in my presence.
Music Lover: So what they're in Time magazine! They're still good!
Indie Snob: (groans) ok... fine... (immediately gets addicted)
by aleclair July 3, 2005
A word used mostly by and between girls. Often used as a compliment of some sort about physical appearance or objects - hair, makeup, clothes, shoes - although it cannot be determined whether it is authentic or insulting, unless you are a girl.
Girls rarely/never use the word cute when talking about guys. There are many other words for that.
Girls rarely/never use the word cute when talking about guys. There are many other words for that.
<screams>Oh My God!!! Your purse is soooooooo CUTE!</screams>
Overheard: "I was deciding which outfit to wear when going out: my cute pair of high heels... with this cute skirt and cute top..."
Overheard: "I was deciding which outfit to wear when going out: my cute pair of high heels... with this cute skirt and cute top..."
by aleclair September 5, 2005
An extremely annoying indie pop collective. Their instrumentation may be unique, but their music is so sugary that one can do nothing but cringe, as if their teeth are rotting under their lips, while listeining to it.
Me: What are you listening to, Alex?
Alex: Oh, I've got Architecture in Helsinki on my iPod. Have you heard of them?
Me: Yeah, they annoy the living hell out of me. You should listen to some real music. How about some Tapes 'n' Tapes? Some Wire? Some Sebadoh? Those are all far better choices.
Alex: Oh, I've got Architecture in Helsinki on my iPod. Have you heard of them?
Me: Yeah, they annoy the living hell out of me. You should listen to some real music. How about some Tapes 'n' Tapes? Some Wire? Some Sebadoh? Those are all far better choices.
by aleclair December 17, 2006
Lockdown, or Lockdown Mode, is when a public school building is literally locked down so that the Police, as well as the Great Drug-Sniffing Dogs, can search - without a warrant - lockers for drugs and other Contraband Items. And before you ask, yes it is constitutional. I am so sorry.
1. During the annual lockdown mode, we must turn off all the lights in the classroom and not move a muscle; if we are seen in the hallways we are automatically a suspect.
2. Many students question whether this Torture violates the fourth amendment - as there is search and seizure going on without a Warrant - but I'm afraid that you lose many constitutional rights when we go into our schools.
2. Many students question whether this Torture violates the fourth amendment - as there is search and seizure going on without a Warrant - but I'm afraid that you lose many constitutional rights when we go into our schools.
by aleclair March 5, 2006
A newfangled genre of pop music that combines two unrelated elements: the lyrical content of emo (sob, sob, sob, SOB) and the loud guitars of today's metal.
The singers in Emo Metal bands tend to - for some reason only few can decipher - scream as much of the lyrics as humanly possible.
See also: screamo
The singers in Emo Metal bands tend to - for some reason only few can decipher - scream as much of the lyrics as humanly possible.
See also: screamo
by aleclair November 13, 2005
Jethro Tull invented the seed drill; he was part of the group that created scientific farming as we know it. Also an overrated prog rock band with an electric flute player.
by aleclair July 24, 2005
1. A trendy style of music marketed as rap music; it actually sounds more like R and B. Although the rappers look "gangsta" and have all that bling bling, they usually sing (yes. They sing instead of rap) about going to parties and getting crunk and having every girl at their call. Most - if not all - singles have a female guest. Examples: Nelly, Ludacris, Anyone who sings with Ciara.
2. Music that "waters down" the content of rap music to fit a young, pre-teen, easily lured, pop audience: see Lil' Bow Wow, Lil' Romeo.
2. Music that "waters down" the content of rap music to fit a young, pre-teen, easily lured, pop audience: see Lil' Bow Wow, Lil' Romeo.
1. -Did you go to the Ludacris concert last night? Everyone was there, you know...
--No; I don't like pop rap.
--No; I don't like pop rap.
by aleclair November 29, 2005