The posh term for a Wank Sock.
A favoured and special sock used during masturbation for the capture of ejaculate.
I was changing our sons bedsheets last week when I discovered his heavily crystallised Spaff Mitten stuck to the underneath of the mattress.
by Garf1981 February 10, 2021
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another term for bukkake. When a group of males gather around and spaff in the face of a female.
Last night we gave Becky the most horrific gang spaffing possible.
by Craig S Thomson July 2, 2011
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Person, persons or institutions who have become so deeply inbred that putrification has begun not just of the mind but indeed their very soul.

This manifests itself in literal, figurative or metaphorical displays of dimwittedness such as the desire and actualisation of said desire to collect for the purposes of hoarding or recycling, Spaff. This may occur aurally, visually or physically.
Dave: I was reading a definition on Urban Dictionary

and this gimp used the word 'actualise' twice
outside of a corporate environment.

John: What a Spaff-Womble!

Joni realised with her parents due round any minute, to enjoy some of her delicious spaghetti bolognese, she had run out of time to get the parmigiana! Like a dutiful Spaff-Womble, she scoured her abode for any leftover man spaff or if need be quam-tazum (mixed gender combo spaff normally the result of simultaneous ispaffulation.) Having sourced said substance(s) Joni crushed the gusset of old panties infused with the desired substance (resulting from a 'pantie-pull-to-the-side-and-ride' side spill) thus releasing the flaky substitute for the missing Italian ingredient.
by Atari quam-tazum December 30, 2011
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Hand strain gained through excessive touching of the naughty naughty places.
"I did done spaff so much last night I got a case of Repetitive Spaff Injury! And it bloody hurts!"
by Just Me, yup. October 7, 2006
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Where the act of spaff n pabbing is prohibited due to the lack of front pubes usually caused by excessive spaff n pabbing
The act of spaff n back pabbing is the use of bum pubes as a substitute for regular pubes
Yeah I spaff n back pabbed this slut so my wife wouldent notice the lack of front pubes
by The Jeddi May 10, 2010
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Someone who is such a wanker, that they could be considered the president of wankers.
Dean, you’re such a Spaff Master.
by DangerMonk1854 June 1, 2018
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A vagina that is a pocket for your spaff (cum)
Kev-'Oi Randy see that hot girl over there?'
Randy-' You bet I do Kev, I'd definitely shag her spaff pocket.'
by oscrape May 3, 2018
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