A degenerate young person living on social welfare payments.

Is seen to hang around street corners and outside fast food outlets or drinking in public.

Wears Tracksuit with white knockoff runners. Pants tucked into white socks.

Usually has a buzz haircut with greasy fringe.
Scumbag is often referred to as Chav in the UK
by Sarcastix August 19, 2011
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A scumbag is any person that goes by the name Conway.
Man that Conway is a real scumbag.
by Tru-Legend April 6, 2016
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A person who acts like Ajit Pai or is Ajit Pai.
The guy who runs the FCC is a scumbag.
by WaDoodle November 24, 2017
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1. A person with no human decency, is greasy to the bone, and only has self interest.

2. Martin Shkreli.
" Can you come pick me up? Steve said he would, be when he found out I was broke, that scumbag left."
" What a Martin Shkreli... Yeah I'll help you out"
by Bkomel November 25, 2015
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1.One who engages in criminal behavior. Person constantly having confrontations with police officers.

2. Drug addict/alcoholic
The police get paid to lock up scumbags 24/7.
by jpd110 December 9, 2006
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