A “poofter kat” is a person or object which is disliked, or which is felt to be stupid. Sometimes used as a reference to a homosexual.

The term originated from PK chewing gum, when someone tried to figure out what the initials PK stood for. For that reason, the word "kat" must always be spelt with a 'k', not a 'c'.
"This is a poofter kat of a game."
"Rocky is a bit of a poofter kat."
by arkanis50 January 7, 2005
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a homosexual who spends all his spare time at UV light raves.
"man, that guy wearing the tight pink shirt with the glowsticks is such a raving poofter."
by shaina moult May 4, 2008
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A term for Parade College in Bundoora, Melbourne Australia. Mostly used by public school kids to define the place. Called that because everyone there is a fag.
“Bro, Joseph’s going to Poofters Paradise!”
“Always knew he was a fag.”
by acrobativity November 2, 2018
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someone who shoves poofters heades up their ass and shits in their mouth
'DAMN''i shoved his head up ma ass'
by ooh u ass hole May 9, 2005
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