archaic slang; A sword or dagger carried by a ruffian in the days of olde.
Henceforth, upon entrance to ye' olde pub you must sheath your piece!
by def June 2, 2004
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Shut tha fuck up bitch fo i stick my piece in yo ear! how.
by mike da playa September 10, 2003
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Recieved when one turnes 15 and a half; giving one the right to say "get out of my piece."
Jordan: Yo Stols you get your piece in three days!
Three days later:
Stols: Yo Jordan your all up in my piece!
by Gordono October 25, 2004
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In addition to meaning penis, gun, and misc. objects, Piece is also a an abbreviation for Dimepiece.
Did you see shawty? She was a piece.
by Seven Mile Tashia January 20, 2008
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a slang term for for the male sex organ
hey get the hell off my piece, you fuck!

putt my piece in your mouth and shut up.
by Reuben Jordan May 21, 2007
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