The act of stealing or taking something from another, in an almost grimey and crusty manner. Much like how a goblin would steal one's treasure.
“Bro where'd you get those chips?”
“I goblined them from my pantry like the sneaky lil rat i am.”
by Emm Fettuccine October 7, 2019
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aids, hiv infection. transmission of std
"yo, i heard the goblin got him" same use as " the monster"
by enought with this November 9, 2007
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A reference to one's urinary appendage. When speaking of the appendage, the statement must be made in an Austrian accent.
He stepped up into the bathroom, unzipped, and shouted, "MY GOBLIN!!"
by Boss DJ May 16, 2003
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An epic troll with ninja skills. Often people dont even find out who just goblin'd them.
Ed puts his bag down, turns around for 1 sec and then looks back only to find his bag has been nuggeted along with all the contents inside.
Ed : WTF who just goblin'd me!?!?!
by .NiLBoG.CipE September 23, 2009
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a small creature of ranging colours very mischievios and quick
also known as a 'Denny'
1.damb that goblin is annoying

2.damb that denny stole my shoes
by the hills slope December 3, 2006
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1. Weird, epic brat
2. William A.'s spirit animal
"Wow, I never realized what a total goblin he was until now."
by Eddaaa August 30, 2013
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A meaningful way to call someone ugly and make fun of them being emo.
"He's such a goblin"
"I think it's a she"
by Herykkinen April 29, 2022
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