When teens that live in small towns often get drunk, high, ect. due to boredom. It can also be seen as the average age for such activities being much lower in said town.
Guy 1: why is it that everyone from (small town) lost their virginity so young?

Guy 2: idk man, guess thats just The Nevada Effect.
by maellethemistake March 31, 2020
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When something is so irritating it makes you shit horrible diarrhea that burns like fire.
Man, that song sucked so much it gave me Nevada-Fire...
by Cheesebadger January 6, 2005
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The delivery of Nevada's 6 electoral votes to Joe Biden ensuring Trump's defeat in the 2020 Presidential Election.
by thisismk2k November 5, 2020
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A sexual act in which one partner inserts a maraca in their anus and then proceeds to shake their ass vigorously making a sound similar to a rattlesnake just before striking at its prey.
I thought I was getting a kinky BJ and then the crazy bitch pulled a Nevada Rattlesnake and shoved a maraca up her ass then bit me in the dick.
by FieryFun January 3, 2016
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equal parts of two awesome beers, corona extra and sierra nevada. try it. seriously the smoothest best tasting ever.
This Corona Nevada is the best beer ive ever drank!
by geff September 29, 2006
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Deposit a bowel movement into a vagina (a speculum may facilitate this action). Essentially this is a space dock.
Once the space dock is complete, cunnilingus is performed, ensuring that at least some, if not all, fecal matter has been extracted from the vigina.
Dude 1: After I shit in her cunt, I totally ate the Nevada Hot Pocket.
Dude 2: You ate that shit out of her cunt?
Dude 1: Yeah, bro, then she made out with me.
Dude 2: Daaaaamn, you chocolate balled her.
by HOT Love Bug October 22, 2013
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