Alex: im gonna go home and nap
Daniel: then why is a girl going home with you
by jpoon June 4, 2011
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A US Army term for Non Airborne Personel. Defines soldiers who are not airborne qualified and unable to perform combat parachuting duties.
by AirborneSoldier14 August 17, 2009
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another form of "newbie", "new be", "noob" or whatever....used by wannabe's
by Anonymous August 21, 2003
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NAP, meaning Nerd And Proud, can be applied to any person, as an abusive term, or can be applied to ones self as proudness or use of computers or technology.
Daryl: I just got a headshot on Counter-Strike: Source!
by Carl Barat January 14, 2008
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Nicotine, Alcohol and Pussy
Acronym used to subtly express a need for Cigarettes, Booze and Cunt, either at the same time or one at a time. Can be a combination of any of those factors. Commonly used altogether.
Dude 1 - Man I've had a rough week
Dude 2 - Shit, you should take it easy
Dude 1 - Nah, I need a NAP night
by solidsnake2010 October 20, 2009
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to sleep for a random, yet large number of hours, while at the same time, unknowingly, misleading her friends into believing she's been dead, has disappeared or is secretly taking a poop, when in reality she is just bundled up, all cozy under her heating blanket and warm comforter, smiling and snorring her little head off
My friend took a very long nap and had me scared to the point of realeasing toxic waste in my pants
by ahhyessspink3l3phants! May 5, 2011
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Hey Julie I'm tired (wink) wanna take a N.A.P.?
by clifford July 15, 2005
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