"hey yo I got some squares, want 1?" "na, i dont want any of that mind fuck."
by Ryan Huggins November 4, 2006
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A superpower held by a firefighter they call "Fish"' - Amazingly he has this power over young girls to get them to drop their Panties and put out.
He told that girl she had a nice smile. Then the "fish" acted smitten. Next thing she knew she was naked. He isn't that good looking but he somehow pulls off that Jedi Mind Fuck and the panties drop.
by Paulie Bovalino May 10, 2013
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to be of such influence that you present an idea or concept that shakes one's previously held beliefs or assumptions about the nature of reality: something that fucks with your brain. calls in question the way your mind currently sees a certain idea or the world in general: such an experience usually leaves the person stunned/speechless while he/she wrapping his/her mind around the new idea: thus reshaping the receivers view the world and his/her own existence.
Shannon was such a glorious mind fuck she made me see the world in a new way.
by nofuckinidea April 27, 2015
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To fuck with someone's mind in the style of the Jedi
"Donnie, you're a rube"
"No, I'm not!"
Exercising of the jedi mind fuck
"Wow, I am a rube"
by Grand Master C February 6, 2005
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1.) Channeling subconscious voices hidden behind the real message to determine if the transmitter is telling the truth or simply lies and propaganda with a means to an end; usually your demise.
2.) Filtering noise and misleading examples to boil down the truth because this type of person believes in coded and hidden meanings sort of like a detective solves mystery; like smith of all trades.
1.) The burgess subliminal mind fuck consists of being worked to death and taxed for life.
2.) The proletariat subliminal mind fuck has more carrot sticks than bugs bunny. "I am Elmer Fudd." -djsee4
by djsee4 September 29, 2010
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1) A situation in which someone is trying to mess with your mind.

2) Something confusing.
1) It's something you'll get used to. A mental mind-fuck can be nice.

2) Oh, man, that test today was such a mental mind-fuck.
by Steven Johnson April 9, 2006
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