Texting with only one eye because you are so drunk, that you can't read your cellphone screen with both eyes.
Guy #1: "Where were just at bro?"

Guy #2: "I was outside in the back alley yukin' everywhere, tryin to send out a six million dollar text for my girl to come get me."
by thinair421 April 16, 2010
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When a woman uses her two breasts to give the most sensational handjob ever
Rick: My wife just gave me a two million dollar handjob

Dan:My wife and I tried anal! :D

Rick: Gross.
by BestPseudonym February 25, 2014
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When a New Yorker with puffy hair makes successful real estate deals only to fall flat on his face when it comes to hooking up with non-Brillo Pad girls.
Smitty makes Ninety Five Million Dollar Deals but instead of hooking up with a girl that is interested in him, he drives her back home at the end of the night.
by Go Mets December 3, 2006
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The act of folding someone with a fist on the side of the pocket that holds 10 million dollars in them
Ivan just gave Tim the 10 million dollar pocket fold dude Tim is sleep.
by AuraKing December 8, 2018
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