When that cheap rubber band or the staples that hold the rubber band in place on your Halloween mask break.
OMG! Everyone at the party thought I was George Bush until my mask came off.
by Ghost of Halloween past October 31, 2004
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An action in which one is eating a delicious sandwich with mustard overflowing from the sides, becomes sloppy and leans over the keyboard. Mustard then drips on to the keyboard and, while trying desperately to wipe it off, one will press too many keys and freeze the computer.
"I was talking with Sandy on msn last night while eating a sandwich, and I totally did a mustard malfunction!"
by Lady of the... March 9, 2009
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An embarassing exposure that can be blamed on clothing.
No, Janet didn't flash the world on purpose. That was a costume malfunction.


Oh, my fly's down? What a costume malfunction.
by Rachel February 4, 2004
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An excuse to show off one's newly acquired nipple piercing.
During the Superbowl, Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson staged a wardrobe malfunction to promote the latest fashion trend for young women.
by Amanda September 11, 2004
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Justin Timberlake's flimsy fucking excuse for exposing Janet Jackson's tit at the February 1, 2004 Super Bowl. It has now come to mean any occasion in which someone is "accidentally" indecently exposed.
I forgot to wear underwear yesterday and had a little wardrobe malfunction in the hallway.
by GuidoPosse69 February 21, 2005
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An excuse used to explain a situation in which a private part of the body is displayed under unessecary cirmustances.
When Justin Timberlake ripped part of Janet Jackson's outfit, revealing one of her breasts / when Bill Clinton supposedly recieved a blow job outside his marriage (his undone trousers would be described as a "wardrobe malfunction")
by Jenny March 23, 2004
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According to Janet Jackson it's not her fault,it's not Justin Timberlake's fault,it's BUSH's fault!!
"Bush done popped my titty out" - Janet Jackson
by smokin' da shpleaf mon September 11, 2004
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