A period of time in the mid to late '90s in which a large amount of children developed unhealthy obsessions with Japanese games (primarily the ones that became popular television shows) and culture. The advent of Pokémon is said to be the beginning of this period.

(Inspired by the British Invasion in the 1960s... Now THAT was awesome!)

Other Japanese Invasion Fads Included
- Pokémon
- Digimon
- Sailor Moon
- Yu-gi-oh
"Hey man, remember the Japanese Invasion?" "Fuck yeah, I was all over that Pokémon shit." "Dude, good times. Good times."

(As long as you make it sound cool while reminiscing, talking about Japanese Invasion era fads is perfectly acceptable in any social situation now and in the future at any time.)
by Grnot February 25, 2010
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When something is inserted into the asshole of a living being against their own will.
I gave my chick a Rectum Invasion
by Andy July 19, 2004
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People of asian decent that are in a large group and are taking up alot of room.
man i was going to go to china but the azn invasion was to much for the plane to land
by Pip E. Burn March 27, 2005
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Something that occurs during Moonlanding - reaching through your legs, grabbing their balls, screaming "Ground control"
Damn that was quite the Moon Invasion on my ball there Lizzy.
by Cornzilla April 12, 2023
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When you pee in your partner's mouth instead of ejaculating
Dude, i polish invasioned Amanda last night and she couldn't tell the difference!
by DumpiesDumpTruck November 16, 2017
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Vladolf Putler/Vladimir Putin's biggest oopsie-woopsie-fucky-wucky in history. Virgin Putler is getting ROFLStomped by Chad Zelensky. Russia has lost over 200,000 men, dozens of thousands of vehicles, thousands of their soldiers are deserting, surrendering, and committing mutinies, his allies are abandoning him to the point that he's begging KIM JONG UN for help... The guy really has let himself go. This is after the 600th day of a 3 day war. Russia really had no idea what they got themselves into. They lost their flagship Moskva, they lost a submarine, a landing ship, the security of their precious Sevastopol port, and their Kinzhal Hypersonic Wünderwaffe missile shot down, having Ukrainian farmers stealing their tanks... Russia is pathetic. Only losers suck Z dick.

Meanwhile, Russia has blown up thousands of schools, dozens of supermarkets, office buildings, churches and other civilian buildings INTENTIONALLY, abducted and brainwashed Ukrainian children, blown up dams to flood entire towns, mined nuclear reactors, and basically committed a war crime for every other femtosecond they continue to exist.

Just root for Ukraine to finally smash Putin's skull against the hard curb of victory.
Bob: Can you think of a bigger failure than the Battle of the Bulge for the opposing side?
Alice: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine?
Bob: ...Yeah, that's unquestionably true, there are no bigger failures going on in the world right now.
by Grabacr September 21, 2023
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When two or more guys named Ryan with beautiful beards rape an unsuspecting victim. While screaming "It's invasion time bitches!"
"Dude, Ryan, you think that girl is hot?"
"yeah man."
"RyBeard Invasion time, Bro!"

**knuckle bump**
by BeardWarriorRyan July 12, 2011
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