Indy rox ass - - it is the best education you can get in delaware so all u guys talkin shit about are just jealous cuz we're smarter than u...Most high schools are lookin at indy students closer than they are lookin at any other piss off our rich asses. And u can make fun of us for bein rich preps...but whats wrong with that? we're rich- so what? There's nothing wrong with being rich ~ its not like we're greedy sluts and assholes--we're all honest ppl who admit that we are cool and we DONT dress like sluts - Pahlease! if u wanna find sluts and assholes, take a look at tower hill...
rich preps are ppl who are rich and where preppy clothes like from abercrombie and Ralph Lauren and Juicy and we pop our collars and watch OC every Thursday night - even the guys. Why? Because we're cool
by Indy roxx May 10, 2005
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A movie that shows what is needed for all people to set aside their differences and work together: a massive alien invasion with laser shooting vagina spaceships.
And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day! -President Thomas Whitmore
by qt3.1415 December 29, 2009
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A situation where an individual has attained enough assets or income streams to never have to work a job for the rest of their life. This can be done through asset accumulation in real estate, business, or financial investments.
"My next door neighbor was intelligent with his money. Instead of buying fancy consumer goods, he saved his money and invested it wisely, now he is enjoying a life of financial independence."
by SlickWill April 12, 2016
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A question made by the exam board AQA to fail and confuse innocent year 10 and 11's who revised biology instead received an off topic exam containing drunk 15 year olds and GM mosquitoes
Exam: What is an independent business?
Phil: Oh fuck!
by Jason15300 May 17, 2016
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An alias for the Comedic rapper, Lil Dicky known for songs like Too High, $ave Dat Money and Lemme Freak
"Yo, Dylan, whos your favorite rapper?"
"Im all about the independent variable"
"what? who you mean?"
"Ya know, Lil Dicky. That dude's hilarious"
by McBurger66 August 2, 2016
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Filing for divorce.

The legal document recognized on July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia by the Continental Congress and signed by many of our founding fathers, announcing a seccesion of the 13 Colonies from Great Britain. It is the event by which we celebrate Independence Day.
The Declaration of Independence was probably the single-most important document that changed the world as we know it.
by August 18, 2007
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A custom made bicycle. They are manufactured in Massachetsets. Aruably the coolest custom bikes around. They come in many colors and have a great paintshop so anything is possible.
I just got my new Indy Fab today. The hot lime to evening blue fade makes your red Cannondale look lame. Plus it rides like butter.
by 7tdf August 14, 2005
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