1)First-person singular pronoun in a sentence's subject.

2) '1' in Roman Numerals.

3) The Alphabet's 9th letter.
1) I am trying out this new hair regrowth formula.

2) Super Bowl I had the Packers in it, so you should be glad that you weren't alive to see it.

3) 'I' comes after 'H'.
by Diggity Monkeez January 23, 2005
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I: *exists*
Lamp: I’m about to end this man’s whole career
by SomeAsianGuyWannabe May 8, 2021
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A dumbass phrase little 9 year old roblox players use in tiktok comment sections.
by homophobe69 July 15, 2020
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Symbol to describe the butterflies felt between two lovers.
Every time I see you I get butterflies. }i{
by s4kp August 4, 2011
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Conjunction of I and was for I was.
I's about to do that, but he beat me to it.
by Trent Kuver April 23, 2009
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Something that's used by basic ass cringy teenage girls who, for some reason, can't finish their sentences properly. saying I- in meme formats in youtube gains these unfunny cringy teenage girls hundreds, or even a thousand likes by their fellow cringy and retarded teenage girls.
random youtuber: so I actually like apples

dumb teenage girl: I-
by checkanchor July 7, 2020
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Australian slang; for no worries. Said quickly as to sound like no I's.
aww yea mate, sorry about shaggin your misses,
no i's mate she'l be right.
by herbie January 22, 2004
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