Another name for a uninary tract infection. More specfically a UTI from too much sexy time.
A women reads too much porny fanfiction and proceeds to have rough intercourse at a higher than normal rate causing her to get honeymooners disease.
by pandabear1975 August 30, 2009
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This is a sexual act where the male places his penis the female's anus, urinates, and then drinks the urine out of the anus. Works perfectly well for homosexual males also.
On their wedding night, Dick gave Jane a honeymoon cocktail after fucking her silly.
by JODT April 12, 2010
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The Honeymoon Season is an act of playerism where a guy joins a new school, university/college, town, city, village, country or work place and starts getting loads of attention by the girls. He then makes use of this attention and is able to hook up with numerous different girls (this ranges from 1st base to 4th). Your Honeymoon Season starts when you enter the school. However it can end from 5 seconds to a couple of months. To ensure it lasts longer, make sure you hook up with a girl and then move swiftly on. Your Honeymoon Season ends when you stop hooking up with girls.
'Mate, those girls are checking you out!!! I guess you are still in your Honeymoon Season.'

'I think my Honeymoon Season ended after 5 seconds...'
by Shaggy1 September 28, 2011
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Christ, I've got honeymoon insomnia. I keep waking up all night.

I just didn't want to pull out I had honeymoon insomnia.
by Richard Kopf November 14, 2007
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Big burley guy that hikes ahead of the group. It's common for other hikers to try to keep up with the Honeymoon Hiker as a goal pace, but are usually unsuccessful. Often sport a mountain beard, hiking poles, and large calf muscles.
Hey man, did you happen to see a honeymoon hiker go by here a little while ago?
Well, I saw one about 30 minutes ago.
Holy crap, how does he run up these mountains so fast?
by Foster Price III February 5, 2010
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When you have sex in the back of a cop car after being arrested.
Bill and Joanne got arrested then did the ol’ Florida honeymoon!
by edwemi56 September 18, 2019
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When a no-good Irishman gets a catholic girl so drunk, she agrees to wear a cowbell around her neck while he proceeds to give her a good old-fashioned sheep shag.
Michael got poor Mary Elizabeth so drunk, she agreed to the Irish Honeymoon. Her ears are still ringing....
by Rob the "Dirty Magician" October 3, 2006
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