tony: yo will u run this errand with me
d'briskshaw: nope
tony: k no heat
by nicoyote May 13, 2019
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The condition of "thick feeling" heat in a small place that you have to enter; also an exclamation of the same when experiencing it.
When it's very hot outside and your car has been shut up all day, and you open it for the first time to get in and the temperature takes your breath away - that first blast of heat escaping is "heatness".
by jmk123 February 3, 2010
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A rolled tobacco cirgarette...which kills many people, but ohh soo good. aka jacks, humps, p-funks, cigs
Yo Man, let me bum a heat stick!

Shit I got to stop by the store and pick up another pack of heats.
by James v April 7, 2006
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To greatly insult someone verbally (and sometimes physically) about themselves, situations they've been in, their family, friends, or anything under the sun. It is more of a competitive thing mostly used to see who can make the other person feel stupid. Types of jokes used are jokes about a person they look like, objects they look or smell like, a quote from a song, book, movie etc.. that they are relevant to, their clothing, etc. Most people use these to have a laugh, some people use it to piss the other person off (leading to fights).

There are certain words to use after every refernce such as

"Lookin ass"
"Body ass"
"Foot ass"
"Face ass"
"Back ass"
"Jaw ass"
"chin ass"
"havin ass"

or anything else having to do with the previous heat. Those are the more commonly used ones though.
Bob: Kevin you heatin nigga?

Kevin: get yo big bird lookin ass boi.

Bob: aaah hell yea im finna get yo Barry White lookin ass.

Kevin: hell yea look like this nigga got lined up wit a blockbuster card.

Bob: i know this nigga not tryin to heat wit that tight ass shirt on, you can see that nigga heart beat through that shit.

Kevin: man get yo big Amistad face ass big "LET US FREEE" toe ass boi.

(everyone that was watching laughs at Bob because Kevin made him feel stupid with his last heat.)
by 1357 June 20, 2006
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not only used to mean firearms or law officials, "The Heat" is sometimes defined as being hot or awesome. tmj
You're going to see Bright Eyes on Saturday? Conor Oberst is the heat!
by michelle March 29, 2005
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1) When a certain area, event, or situation involves the presence of police / law enforcement / parents (or any other figure that would turn you in), therefore making it too risky to engage in the illegal activity you were planning.

2) Someone or something that is aggravating, annoying, loud, pesky, when you aren't in the mood to put up with it.
1) We were going to do it in the car, while parked inside the school parking garage, but it was way too heated.

2) Yo that chick Kathy is really heated and she is killing my high.
by FireTakesMeHigher February 3, 2010
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