1. An exlamatory obscenity; 2. An insult.
1. Fucksticks! I forgot to get my change from that hooker!

2. That guy just cut me off! What a fuckstick!
by Sir Loin du Boeuf July 24, 2003
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1. Slang term for the male sexual organ, or penis

2. Generic insult, most commonly used as a witty retort.

Should NOT be confused with the sexual practise "fukastik"
1. Dude, stop groping my fuckstick.

2. "You seem to be emitting the distinct but not unpleasant odour of wee." "Shut it, fuckstick."
by Plant February 9, 2004
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A person that is being a tool, a dumbass, a moron, etc. A generally aggravating, not real smart person.
He was acting like a complete fuckstick.
by radarlove1968 June 2, 2018
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It's that person that lives to annoy people there for that person is considered a Fucksticker because there that one sticker that won't stick just TO ANNOY YOU
- friend : ha lol its 4 am ill tag all my friends in several pictures just to make there phone vibrate look

- Other friend : (phone vibrates continuously) AGGH its that Fucksticker again
by lol satan May 15, 2016
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A person acting like an idiot, asshole, jerk, etc.
by JoeNeromon August 31, 2016
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A curse word to use when fuck just isn't enough.

If you've lost something usually fucksticks is the word of choice.
"oh fucksticks I've lost my keys"

"fucksticks!! where's that fucking money!"
by Johnypnumonic August 25, 2011
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