A more advanced form of what comes out of the mouth when shit talking. Typically influences the defacing of character while allowing the one talking to remain sophisticated and to save face, instead of degrading himlherself in the process
Sasha's excrement consists of only verbal feces.
by Dabel October 9, 2006
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Pennis Drager: All this gender confusion can only end up producing URINE AND FECES! I'm Dennis Prager from Prager Universe City. To help keep these videos free, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and PornHub.
by bashfulwizardryinarcs December 19, 2021
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My portfolio lost 22 percent of its value in the recent market correction. Oh, well: Feces occurs.
by chadsuperhero December 17, 2013
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A long tube sock filled with feces. It is commonly used to beat old men because it leave no bruises or marks only mental scaring and shame.
Elderly Man: "get off my lawn"

Young boy: "Shut up old man before I beat you with a fece socket!"
by gbiscuit March 28, 2011
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A derogatory yet public appropriate name for a gay dude
God, Bob is such a feces felon!
by Joe Brannen September 23, 2005
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when you have a shitty hypothesis or opinion about something
i'm guessing you think that you're the shit, well that's your feces thesis
by Matt Huff October 31, 2017
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