9 definitions by Pistol Pete Maravich

A disability that manifests primarily as a difficulty with basic grammar and spelling on the popular trading website Craigslist.

Craigslexia is characterized by problems learning how to decode words, to spell, and to write classifieds advertisements accurately and fluently.

Craigslexic individuals often have difficulty "breaking the code" of sound-letter association (the alphabetic principle), and they may also reverse or transpose letters when writing or confuse letters.

Craigslexia is a lifelong condition that cannot be reversed, but appropriate remedial instruction and compensatory strategies may help craigslexic individuals to go on and live a whole, fulfilling life buying and selling goods online.
Seller: exelent cond Jeep Wranlger 4 sale!! To good to miss your gonna lov it

Buyer: Dear seller, Despite your obvious Craigslexia, your car sounds like a great buy. When can I take a look?
by Pistol Pete Maravich July 21, 2008
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Something that's quite awful at the same time as being awesome.
"Ringo, may I be the first to say that the wolf you airbrushed on your car is awfsome."
by Pistol Pete Maravich February 13, 2009
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Cory Delaney, the Australian teen who threw a party when his parents were away, had 500 MySpace gate-crashers and the police arrive, and ended up with a $30,000 damage bill.
"Did you see that Aussie kid who threw that out-of-control party?"

Yeah, he's like a cross between Paris Hilton and Ferris Bueller."

"Ferris Hilton!"
by Pistol Pete Maravich January 16, 2008
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One or more of the Cyrus musical family. Ie. Billy Ray and Miley An annoying pair of twats.
"What's worse, Billy Ray Cyrus's music? Or Miley's?"

"Neither. Both Cyrii are as bad as each other".
by Pistol Pete Maravich August 28, 2009
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Ladyboy radar.

Extra sensory perception that allows one to detect the presence of a ladyboy.

Origin: The combination of the words "ladyboy" and "radar".

"Ladies at the club last night were smokin!"

"Calibrate your lay-dar, dude. They weren't ladies, they were ladyboys."
by Pistol Pete Maravich January 6, 2008
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Drinking so much Guinness beer that you are hypothetically in the running for a world record.
Bob: Steve almost set a Guinness World Record last night at the pub.

Paul: For his really long fingernails?

Bob: No, he just drank shitloads of Guinness.
by Pistol Pete Maravich July 9, 2011
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An especially convincing fake in sports, especially basketball.

From the dodgy practice of selling fake/lookalike items, particularly Nike Air Jordan's on the popular personal trading site.
NBA game circa. 1988 Chicago Bulls V. Atlanta Hawks, when defender Tree Rollins was so thrown by a Michael Jordan fake, that he stumbled and fell to his knees.

"Impressive fake there from Jordan. Rollins fell for it like an Ebay scam."
by Pistol Pete Maravich May 27, 2007
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