Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich.
The President of the Russian Federation
-Putin is a fabulous dickhead.
-Please don't spread false rumours. Putin is not fabulous, but real dickhead!
by dildo777 June 1, 2019
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A hand gesture to illustrate that something or someone is homosexual. It was started and populated in Tampa, Florida.
"Wow that guy was dressed so chic!"
"He looks so fabulous!" *does The Fabulous Rainbow*
by Ondadl April 8, 2007
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Spending money on items that are not of a necessity, when there are things that you actually do need; Not making wise economic choices with one's money for the sake of appearing "cool" or wealthy; Vanity.
Ghetto fabulous = My co-worker drives a Benz truck but still lives in an apartment in the hood.
i.e. A wiser decision would be to buy a house and drive a more moderate vehicle.
by Georgia Peach March 14, 2006
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Adjective describing a person, thing, or act that is typically, epically, or glamorously trailer-park-dweller-like; one equivalent of ghettofabulous for non-urban people.
Her: I'm eating prime rib from a carton and drinking Scotch from a styrofoam cup.

Him: That is what I call "trailer-fabulous."
by straight out the trailer June 18, 2011
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adjective used to describe something that is SO HICK that you just gotta celebrate it. it is similar to ghetto-fabulous but more applicable to rural white people.
Dude thinks he can hide the rust on his silver truck with some strategically placed duct tape. Dude is wrong." ..."Yeah, it looks pretty hick-fabulous though!"
by burrowlife January 30, 2011
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(adj) The highest, most fabulous you possible. Exuding our best self. The best possible. A state of mind, not the amount in your bank account!
She is looking Tre fabule in that dress!
by Marlo Wright November 24, 2011
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