thing that makes things go. like a heart, except it's gas based instead of blood.
Little Rice Burner: What's that noise?
American guy: That's the engine.
by mephisto June 3, 2003
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When your brain activity hits anything between one and zero due to much illegal substince consum.
I was to „engin“ to go to school tomorow
I think i am going „engin“ right now
by Shoreassel April 24, 2020
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Someone who relates to the universe in a mathematical but socially inept way.
Someone who relates to the universe in a mathematical but socially inept way.
Optimist: "The glass is half full."
Pessimist: "The glass is half empty."
Engineer: "The glass is twice the size it needs to be."
by destillat July 5, 2006
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An extremely hard course in university whereby the students of it have no life.
by Drew Strew September 17, 2005
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A major/field of study in college where there are no girls.
Engineering Boy: Hey, do you wanna come to our engineering party and solder electrical components while under the influence?

Normal Boy: Shut up you fucking loser, I'm going to a party where there are girls so I can laid...
by Young & Freedman September 28, 2005
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Where the noble semi-skilled laborers execute the vision of those who think and dream... Hello Oompa Loompas of science!
The engineering majors at Purdue University worked in the Scientists' chocolate factory.
by Ben Wannaknow April 15, 2008
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An engineer is one who runs a train on a chick.
Last night, we all hit it one after another. We are engineers!
by Regulator April 18, 2006
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