anyone who voted for obama because he is black
If you voted for obama just because he's black, you are such a damn dumbass that you need to go kill yourself
by homeschool1991 March 1, 2009
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Characterized by being obsessed with dungeons and Dragons, such as the person that submitted the definition for Wyvern
Damn it! My comp shut down for a half hour! Now I can't play Dungeons and Dragons :'(

You're such a dumbass
by Wyvernz October 17, 2006
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people who worry to much about things
chill out man, you're not going to care about it when you're 6 feet under
by coldaddy August 28, 2003
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Anyone that has prodigious amounts of unprotected sex and actually thinks they don't have (won't ever get) an STD.
Guy 1: That dumbass went out and got infected!
Guy 2: How?
Guy 1: He had unprotected sex with the city of Los Angeles.
by lady justice September 20, 2006
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n. a species of human with low intelligence
Harsh is one of the last remaining dumbasses.
by Anonymous December 5, 2002
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