A saying used mainly at Woods Lake, in the Lake Counrty District of British Columbia, Canada. The term is used to shut someone down who thinks they know what's going on. The term is very similar to check your life.
Bob - "Joe, I'm tellin you man, that's how it is."

Joe - "Hey Bob, you don't even go here."
by Jamie Biggs April 25, 2006
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A tired old gag line to say whenever someone says the word 'liquor'.
Drinkin' Man 1: "Hey, let's go get some liquor!"
Drinkin' Man 2: "Liquor? I don't even know her!"
by Figleaf23 September 7, 2007
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When someones met with such a high level of stupidity and bullshit they just don't know how to respond.
Weirdo With a Tinfoil hat"Schools are brainwashing us! We come from the moon! We are moon babies who eat moon cheese!"

Person"I don't even, i can't even..."
by mrperson123 August 4, 2017
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Something to say when you ain't tryna do shit with them.
Dan: Ayo Tristan, you trying to got to a movie
Tristan: I don't even eat pie cuz *Walks away*
by ThatGuyHit February 10, 2021
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This phrase is tagged to the end of one's speech in order to reveal an innuendo or undertone. It is expressed with a wide-eyed expression and a tone of confusion. It is often synonymous with "That's what she said".

Unlike "That's what she said", it is proper for one to add this phrase to the end of his/her own speech, as well as for others to do the honor for him/her.
Scott: "This female's pelvis has been articulated... I don't even know what that means"
by Carriacou Archaeology 2008 August 2, 2008
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(adjective) referring to one who is spreading gossip of a false nature or a clueless individual.
by Fangsta April 29, 2003
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A new phrase thats rapidly gaining in popularity, this is used to describe ones condition if one is utterly confused, wasted, high, or just plain out of it. Its often used to describe situations that have already happened but is not limited to that. There are many variations, a few of the more common ones are following:

-I don't know what hole to put my dick in
-I can't even tell which hole to put my dick in
-I put my dick in all the wrong holes
"Man, that party last night was so crazy I didn't even know which hole to put my dick in."

"Algebra is so confusing, I don't even know what hole to put my dick in!"

"I feel bad about that chick the other day, I was so wasted I put my dick in all the wrong holes..."
by ybsubnairb December 11, 2009
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