The two-men indie game development studio based on Yuma, Arizona, USA and formed by brothers James & Robert Romine, which is notoriously known for making video games with lots of bugs, bad graphics, terrible gameplay, as well as the shady business practices of themselves such as asset flipping, giving out free Steam Keys for Greenlight votes, spamming Steam Greenlight with reskins of a same game, censorship, and so on.

Their first game, The Slaughtering Grounds, was criticized by YouTuber Jim Sterling due to the game's poor quality. The stutio issued a false DMCA claim against the video, and later tried to seek damage from Sterling for false accusation. Their games are indeed so shit that they received tremendous amount of negative reviews and comments, while the studio did their best banning people calling out their practices.

The studio went even crazier trying to take down all negative comments against them. They submitted a lawsuit to Arizona District Court against 100 anonymous Steam users and even subpoenaed Valve in an attempt to acquire these users' personal information. Valve then pulled all Digital Homicide games from sale, saying they "stopped doing business with Digital Homicide for being hostile to Steam customers".
A: Look at all those Digital Homicide games getting removed from Steam Store!
B: Yeah they really fucked up big time. No doubt Digital Homicide just committed a Digital Suicide.
by Star P. September 18, 2016
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Combination of being an asshole and having a stick up your ass.
"I hate the way he has to correct us constantly, that ass digit!"
by Smoodie April 20, 2022
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Someone who invites a different random person for video chat every night, most likely having met them on Snapchat. Will only talk once, then fucks them off never to be spoken to again.
That Benjamin is a digital slut. I was talking to him for 2 minutes before he ended the call with some stupid excuse. Then he blocked me on Snapchat
by sensiblewood January 15, 2021
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a mf who makes audios on roblox and mics up with kids on google meets and skype
yeah Digital Angels makes audios on roblox
by smallpenisgang January 25, 2021
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it's what common housewife evolved into.
digital housewife uses no cookware, but just photoshop, illustrator and digital cameras to express themselves as artists or grab couple of bucks here and then working with notebook from the kichen table as freelance graphic designer, maybe thinking that this is less humiliating than cook meals all day long.
My wife? she hasn't the faintest idea how to use a wok, in the kitchen she's got macbook, photoshop, and printer. i think she's just evolved into a perfect digital housewife, cooking delicious company brochures, succulent logos.. and tons of digital upholstery pictures to share on flickr.
by mave73 November 5, 2008
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A company that makes gayass apps. They want money but they don’t have the audacity to update their apps. It’s been three years. THREE FUCKING YEARS RACHEAL WERE WAITING

One of their most famous apps is called teddy bear workshop. Don’t let the name fool you though I swear to god that app is DISGUSTING. It’s filled with weebs and artists. All in all, it’s instagram for 12 year olds and crackheads
lol tf?? Sav u still use R2 digital apps?
by Olihatesgays February 28, 2020
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