Insert thumb in the butthole with slight clockwise rotation while penis is inserted in vagina during doggy. Very fun!!!
by Rat pack ch123 July 22, 2017
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A fancy way of saying Neurotoxin container
Did you just shove that aperture science thin we don’t know what it does into an aperture science emergency intelligence incinerator?

Good news, I figured out what that thing you just incinerated was. It was a morality core they put in me when I flooded the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin, to make me stop flooding the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin. So get comfortable while I warm up the neurotoxin emitters.
by Reichschancellor William April 21, 2021
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A non-profit organization that operates under ass backwards rules and regulations run by idiotic, ego tripping, morons with grandiose delusions.
assinine hell dysfunctional convoluted transient grossly underpaid grossly overworked stupid retarded the guidance center
by Free as a bird February 5, 2010
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Founded in 1979, Columbus, Ohio by John Baker and Bill Bayne, Micro Center is the best, most magical, wonderful, and awe-inspiring place in the world. It has any piece of electronic hardware you could desire and simply entering a Micro Center could cause you to have a small brain aneurysm. Their product list consists primarily of parts and accessories to personal computers. A small list of products they carry is: CPUs, motherboards, graphics cards, power supplies, cases, CPU coolers, hardline water cooling kits, AIOs, memory, HDDs, SSDs, M.2s, cooling fans, PCIE expansion cards, computer mice, keyboards, headphones, speakers, desk mats, computer chairs, laptops, prebuilt desktops, and enough RGB hardware to hijack Christmas. All computer enthusiasts are required to experience a Micro Center at least once in their lives. Their prices somehow manage to rival those of online stores and simply browsing the shelves is entertainment within itself. They constantly give away free stuff like Bluetooth headphones and USB drives through their Insider Program (newsletter) and have 25 locations across 16 states. They unfortunately do not have any locations outside the United States and do not ship internationally but if you're visiting the United States and find yourself in-range of one of their locations, it's definitely worth the stop.
Guy 1: "Hey dude, I'm going to Micro Center"


Guy 1: "Probably a new mouse and graphics card, ray tracing looks epic"

Guy 2: "NICE -- SENT PICS"
by Randymations August 26, 2021
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A person who thinks the world revolves around them
P1: blah blah blahs so self centered all they talk about is themselves

P2: tru tru
by skskskandioop69 November 1, 2019
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A town right outside of Detroit where there is no future for anyone. Home to more potheads than anywhere else in Michigan. Also home to more too-tan Hollister barbies than anywhere else in the US, besides California. The neighbors are always fighting about everything, and the police take 30 minutes to respond to calls 3 minutes away. The high school football team sucks, but everyone's too busy lighting up to notice anyway. A
Friend 1: Dang, that girl's WAYY too tan and way too blonde. Oh, and can her clothes get ANY tighter? Not good.
Friend 2: Oh, she's probably from Center Line.

Person 1: why does this entire town smell like burning plants?
Person 2: Dude, we're in Center Line.
by PantherGirl May 20, 2009
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A small town in West Michigan where churches are more abundant than minorities. The schools are surrounded by corn fields, and the upper class white kids complain about having nothing to do. So they find themselves either doing drugs, playing bice ball, or talking shit. Everyone is fake and they complain about the town, but they never end up leaving.
Everyone that lives in Byron Center is fake...
by blatent March 13, 2017
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