1 definition by PantherGirl

A town right outside of Detroit where there is no future for anyone. Home to more potheads than anywhere else in Michigan. Also home to more too-tan Hollister barbies than anywhere else in the US, besides California. The neighbors are always fighting about everything, and the police take 30 minutes to respond to calls 3 minutes away. The high school football team sucks, but everyone's too busy lighting up to notice anyway. A
Friend 1: Dang, that girl's WAYY too tan and way too blonde. Oh, and can her clothes get ANY tighter? Not good.
Friend 2: Oh, she's probably from Center Line.

Person 1: why does this entire town smell like burning plants?
Person 2: Dude, we're in Center Line.
by PantherGirl May 20, 2009
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